Wednesday, June 2, 2010

And Then There Were Two

Bike to Work Day 3 was bittersweet. A fantastic ride and our last with our fearless convoy leader, Big R. He showed us the ropes, set a great pace, told us we could do it and most of all, first planted the seed in our minds that it was possible. I have biked to work one day each of the past three weeks and it wouldn't have happened without him.

So, while we won't be biking to work together or seeing each other in the office anymore, it's great to have made an amazing friend and am looking forward to more adventures! C, it's just you and me and the friggin Custis Trail. Cus-THIS!

On a side note, the biking thing has really opened up so much for me. I love the area I live in but it's a bit spread out and the drivers and traffic are terrible. Biking really lets me get around, enjoy going where I'm going, clears my mind, and helps me do something to reduce my carbon footprint (I'm so upset about the oil spill). Yoga has been amazing, as well, - it challenges me, makes me feel really really good and leaves me with a peaceful mind. It sounds crazy but I'm really going to miss them when I'm on vacation. I'm actually having a little separation anxiety.