B said, "What are you, 80?" This is in reference to how obsessive I am about trying to find out everything there is to know about our new place. I had placed a call with the Rockville Police Department about crime in the area and after being transferred 2,000 times, I ended up in someone's voicemail.
I googled "Rockville MD crime statistics" and found this really awesome website: www.bestplaces.net. I have been riveted by data on everything from population to economy to climate. Rockville looks like a great place except for getting a 20 (US overall had 40) for air quality. What's going on with that?
What's also really striking is comparing it to New York City. NYC has a population density of 27,000 compared to Rockville's 4,000. Percentage-wise, there are more Asian people in Rockville! I have found really good Asian restaurants in Rockville.
Now to compare Rockville to my current town. I could be doing this all morning.
7 years ago
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