I really hope the early morning nightmares aren't returning. This nightmare made me want to be a vegetarian and question my ability to care for children.
So, this morning, V and I were - what else - eating at a restaurant. This seemed to be a Chinese restaurant with a lot of people and wood paneling - like Penang. The gross thing was that there was a restaurant worker checking a tray of very large steamed crab and there was a fish on the tray but it was alive and only half steamed and it was gasping for air. V and I were sitting at a counter and apparently you could order baby cartoon animals to be deep fried but they were still alive when he gave them to you and they kind of tottered about half-dazed and breaded.
Then, this 8-10 year old Chinese boy latches on to me and I try to help him find his father but the father has left. And then I lost the boy. I'm frantically looking for him.
7 years ago
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