Something really shifted this year. Perhaps it's changing from the finance to the technology industry. Perhaps it's me finally sprouting some roots in Maryland. Maybe I'm just older. Maybe it's the recession and shaking off the obsessive nature of consumerism. When I visited my cousin in June she said that snakes shed their skin every 8 years. Real snakes can molt multiple times a year but I'm talking about the Chinese zodiac. Makes me wonder what happened when I was 25 or when I'm 41.
The theme of this year is "quality, not quantity." After moving 2 times in the past 2 years, I have ended up with just what I need. Goodness help me if I box, move and unpack stuff we don't need or use! I've solidified my "style" and have given away bags and bags of clothes, shoes and accessories - some from high school and some still with tags! It has felt really good to have a pared down wardrobe of pieces I love and take care of (side note: I would hate to be on "What Not To Wear" and have to buy everything in a week - you can't possibly get clothes for all 4 seasons). I've also adopted a more European philosophy of perhaps spending more but on a few high quality pieces. I don't shop and hoard like I'm cooking for a family of 20. Similarly, I've pared down my contacts to just include those I consider my friends. There are people I've connected with along the years but I want to focus on those who have stayed with me.
A second theme is one I picked up from "The Fabulous Beekman Boys." Because they started a farm and have to live separately for a year while they start the farming business, they call it the "Year of Sacrifice." I'm not in NY anymore and my spending needs to adjust accordingly. I need to replenish my savings and build a foundation towards our dreams. M has a recording of me saying I will not buy any non-essential items for the next 6 months. I had always laughed at the joke "you know when lesbians start dating because their clothing stays the same." Well, my wardrobe will stagnate at 2010 (although, I'm hoping I've collected enough classic pieces to get me through). We'll travel less and spend more quality time at home. We'll cook more and eat out less.
So, we'll see what the rest of the year holds for me. Funny that I start ruminating at the beginning of the school year versus calendar year. Maybe its because it is such a distinct season of change - the air becomes crisp and cool, the days are shorter and the leisure pace of summer jump starts the industriousness of fall.
7 years ago
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