I can't remember when it started (surprise) but I think maybe 2004 - so that would make this the 4th Annual Fire Island Birthday Outting. It really is one of my favorite birthday traditions. A bunch of ladies meet at the Sayville Ferry. I can feel the stress get blown away by the breeze as we cross the beautiful bay. We land in a magical land of 365 days/year rainbow flags, seafood and frozen drinks. It's a nature preserve so there are no cars, deer that come and raid your 80 lb bag of snacks and sometimes dolphins racing along the horizon. Lessons learned from all these trips: (1) bring 2 baguettes at least, pre-cut fresh fruit, tomato and artichoke bruschetta spread and pepperoni, (2) it is cooler to sit closer to the water, (3) bring clothes to change into and a sweatshirt, (4) sit on the top of the ferry going in and on the bottom towards the front going out, (5) parking fills up after 10:30 AM so try to get there beforehand.

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