This weekend M and I went to see the X-Files movie. Like the Sex in the City movie, it was great to hear the old theme song and see what our old friends Mulder and Scully have been up to in the past 6 years. Then, it got uncomfortable.
It really was an extended TV show (okay, fine, you could say the same for SATC). You would think for a movie - something that would force us to leave the comfort and sanitariness of our home and mingle with the public - it would have better production quality or more razzmatazz. A car blowing up or people flying. Couldn't they have done this as a made-for-TV movie? No, the greedy pigs want our $14.
For one thing, Mulder and Scully are together. I know it's not a big surprise from the last movie but they are in bed together and discussing their relationship. The connection between the "psychic" and the crime was tenuous. I would've liked the movie to have gone a bit deeper between why this pedophile priest can see these visions. Or why and how the pedophile priest's victim (who is now gay and aided by his domestic partner to procure medical help) hatched this diabolical plan. Then, women were being abducted to be used as body parts for this GUY! A guy! Poor M had to deal with me ranting about this since the movie but why would they abduct women? If I were a guy and this crazy doctor was building me a new body, I would want male body parts! I mean, he now has a woman's forearm with pretty red nails! Why?! And does that now make him a woman? How does his partner feel about now being in a heterosexual relationship?
The good news is that we were in the company of Mulder and Scully for an hour and forty minutes. She looked AMAZING. She's smart, the perfect skeptic and it was interesting to see them work together (and not work together) on this paper thin crime. Note to self, do not move to any creepy rural areas.
This isn't the end of creepiness and I know that there will be more. Post M, I've been watching a lot of Law and Order SVU and we are scheduled to be voluntarily locked overnight in the West Virginia Penetentiary to hunt ghosts. I don't go through life skipping beneath rainbows and fairy princesses but I don't watch horror movies or seek out spookiness. My friends L and A and now their little baby S are top notch spook seekers and have published a book about their adventures called Creepy Crawls. Admittedly, I used to read a lot about serial killers and people with multiple personality disorders and one of my best classes at Wellesley was abnormal psych. However, images do get burned into my mind: Black Dahlia crime scene, mutilated girl in SVU, Rape of Nanking or comfort women from WWII. In addition to being disturbed and sick to my stomach for a few days, I try to be really aware of my surroundings and try to protect myself and those around me (note: I can only protect myself from right-handed people), am passionate about fighting human trafficking and protecting children. At the end of X-Files, Scully asks Mulder if they will ever escape the darkness (or something like that). Mulder replies, "The darkness finds us." To me, one has to sometimes be in darkness in order to be a light for others.
7 years ago
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