Of all the transportation options, I prefer taking Amtrak to visit M. 1) I hate driving: especially long distances, especially when I get pulled over for speeding and especially when there are other dumb fools clogging up the road. 2) I hate the bus: its not dependable, it also gets caught in traffic, really weird people accompanied by their weirder smells are on the bus, the stabbing and beheading thing, and the bus that is dependable doesn't stop at my stop in MD so M would have to drive on to DC to pick me up and drop me off. 3) fly? It'll take longer to get to the airport, go through security, wait, get delayed, get cancelled, land, taxi, get home from the airport.
While it is really expensive and has its share of personalities and fumes, I both look forward to and have anxiety about my train rides. I look forward to them because of the roomy, comfy seats, the 3 hours of reading trashy magazines, articles and whatever book I'm working on, and catching up on my phone calls. I have anxiety about finding the right seat but I've learned a few things along the way.
- Don't sit in front of a guy or a tall woman. Although there is more leg room than on a bus, it seems like they need more leg room and will prevent your chair from reclining. Although, my last trip, there was a girl who propped her knees on the back of my chair.
- Sit near a cranky looking lady, she will most likely shush people. Sure, you can't talk on your phone but you don't really want to hear other people's inane conversations.
- Don't sit near people yapping to each other - especially teenage or college girls. There are so many "oh, my god!" and singing along outloud to the iPod that I can take.
- Sit near someone with headphones on, quietly reading or watching a movie.
- If you don't get a good seat at first, look around at each stop and move until you are perfectly situated.
- Realize that you'll never have the perfect seat so pack ear plugs, your own iPod, food, reading and cell phone charger.
Breathe and repeat, "At least I'm not driving or on the bus. At least I'm not driving or on the bus..."
7 years ago
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