"By the year 2040, benefits for all retirees could be cut by 22 percent and could continue to be reduced every year thereafter." People are living 10-30 years past retirement. Costs are rising - living, health care, food, etc.
"A comfortable retirement is based on a "three-legged stool" of Social Security, pensions and savings. American workers should be saving for their retirement on a personal basis and through employer-sponsored or other retirement plans."
It is important to "pay yourself first." Before money goes to expenses, try to put some of it away (depending on your needs and what your future plans are). I like to have at least 3 months worth of funds in my savings account at www.INGdirect.com (easy to set up and use and pays a pretty good interest rate relative to other places). I have a traditional and a ROTH IRA account as well as a traditional and ROTH 401 (K). If your company has a 401(k) plan and matches, try to invest the minimal amount in order to get that match. It's free money.
7 years ago
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