"It's not that the weather is bad, it's that you are unprepared." - from outdoor gear catalog
I listen to the news every morning as I'm getting ready and if it says rain...
- contacts
- black
- skirt/ dress
- La Canadienne boots
- trench coat
- umbrella
I wear contacts because I can't stand rain and smudges on my glasses. Black hides wet spots better than light colored clothes. You can see wet spots on khakis or a light shirt (e.g, my high school English teacher would sweat through all of his shirts by 10 AM). I've been totally drenched by rain in a black dress and looked totally fine.

Get a great water proof or water resistant classic trench coat that looks chic and keeps you dry. I have a beige one from Zara. And of course, a good umbrella. I keep a compact one in my bag in a plastic bag at all times.
Stay dry!
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