And it is worlds away. The website is great (although I can't log back in for some reason) and I bought a one way ticket for $24. Apparently, if you buy early enough you can get a ticket for $1!!!! It was easy to get to - right in front of the Sbarro's on 33rd and 7th Ave and we left on time. Our driver was really nice and bantered with us as we boarded. He calls us "family" and gives great announcements about how we can enjoy our ride. He reminded me of the fun flight attendants from Virgin. The seats are "leather", comfy and there is wi-fi. We are driving and I am blogging. Unbelievable.
The bus drops me off a few blocks from the Verizon Center where I will be taking my sweetie to watch her childhood crush Jordan Knight sing and dance in sync with his fellow 40 year old band mates. It has been quite a convenient journey!
I am taking the train back because the train stops in Jersey and it's easy for me to head home from Jersey City than Manhattan. Will I be taking the Bolt Bus again into DC? I mean the economy IS falling apart. Is 2 extra hours on a bus worth saving $100 and making M drive into DC to get me? I do have a terrible shopping habit. Perhaps M might pick me up on her way home from hanging out with the gals on a Friday night...
stop it. you saw NKOTB in concert? I'M DYING!!!