Oh, wait, I have one! H gave me one of the best gifts of my life - she told me I was her and Z's baby's godmother. I burst into tears. We're having a baby! That explains why my belly has been getting bigger...
And there it is! Well, in H's belly. The bean is doing very well - it likes yoga and eating. The bean also has such incredible parents. H has read and researched everything there is to know - she can tell you everything about vaccines. She has also been nesting and this child will have everything it could ever need. Really cool, eco-friendly, super awesome things. Z has been reading a birthing partner book and now that he has beat Resident Evil, he is ready to be a kick-ass dad.

I broke it to Petunia (H's godchild) that she was getting a sibling. She snorted and wagged her tail. I think it went really well. See a picture from a few years ago of H with the children, Silva and Petunia.
It was really great to meet her for dinner tonight in my old Christopher Street 'hood. Wow it has changed. We ate at The New French, a critic's choice in NYMag's Cheap Eats (I'm all about Cheap Eats). While I'm not sure we got the actual experience, they were so sweet to alter the recipes to take out the dairy. I had the scallops and normally it is on a cauliflower puree but the chef just sauteed the cauliflower in olive oil instead. Look at the purple! It was yummy.

hee hee - fairy godmother! now you know what to be for halloween. love that photo of us at dinner.