I've been feeling really stressed and anxious. On Sunday, I had to leave M, had a really awful train ride to Newark, awful PATH train ride to Jersey City where my mom picks me up (instead of going all the way into NYC and having to take a bus back out). O said that she has seen horrible parenting on the PATH train and this lady was smacking her kid and he was wailing and I wanted to go in between the cars and throw myself onto the tracks. My friend put herself in a really bad position and I was trying to do some damage control for her - thanks J, O and T for your help and advice. My house is back to being what Doris and I call "The Ice Palace". It is so cold that in bed I wear socks, flannel jammies, and wrap myself in t-shirt jersey sheets, a down comforter and a fleece blanket. Sometimes I wear a hat. Turn the heat up, you might say. Yes, I need to find that equilibrium of keeping the heating bill low and actually having heat. I think I'm paying a lot of money to have a cold heater that just goes whoosh (you have got to see M's impression of the heater). Anyways, sleeping in the cold makes me achy because I'm tense all night. Also, this guy was a total tool to me while I was waiting for my bus so I've been so angry about that - it's that awful running loop of "I should've said." I have a lot of anticipatory anxiety about going to the bus station and seeing him again. I didn't see him today but it made my whole commute really stressful. Let's just hope he can't tell me apart from all the other Asian girls that ride the bus with me. Don't make me pop my trunk!
So the good stuff. I had a great dinner with friends last night. I accomplished some important things at work. My managing director came over and chatted with me randomly and that was nice. My client really liked the coat I picked out for him and we ordered it today (please g--, please fit) and he asked for shoe ideas. It was great to catch up with J, O, and T. M started her blog up again - thank goodness she's ok. E sent me pictures of her adorable little girls. D wrote me a very sweet email and had lots of comments about this little blog. I found some money on the ground at the bus stop. And today's SFactor class was just what me and my busted body needed. It felt so good to shut the world out, be with friends, go a little crazy, stretch out the tension, do something good for my body (I feel so strong), nail the tricks we've learned so far and the new one - the snake. My mat towel is AWESOME and I don't have the icks anymore. I've finally remembered all the moves to the routine AND people really liked today's song: T Pain's Buy UA Drank. Yeah, I got money in da bank... Well, tonight anyway. Who knows what the markets will be like tomorrow. This global economic meltdown is INSANE!
And I finally got a hold of M - she's been working on a massive deliverable. She told me a cute story of how her co-workers now call her pyoo-ma (see full story in Pyoo-ma, under August).
Ice palace? I've forgotten what that's like. Always hot and humid over here....80+ degrees F + 60-70+ humidity in Phuket.