Firstly, I was a different size for each shoe I tried on. 9 for the round toe Mary Janes, 8.5 for the shoes in the photo in black patent. Secondly, I still can't walk in heels. Even the short heels to the left kept falling off my heel and were tight across my - dare I say it? - bunion. Yes, my wide ugly feet cause me much consternation. The best fit were the Mary Janes but seriously, I JUST bought a pair of spectator Mary Janes and the Louboutins aren't all that interesting or to die for.
Maybe it is a good thing to:
1) Wait and not buy right away. I waited on the grey bag (due to the rain) and I really don't want it anymore. Black will do just fine.
2) Touch it, feel it, try it on. Maybe it's just not all that it's cracked up to be.
"TRY IT ON?" Did AMY just write TRY IT ON!?!