We got mom a 32" TV for her birthday/ Christmas present. See how thin it is! Her birthday is the Friday after Thanksgiving. Although we got her the TV, she bestows her deepest appreciation on M who put the thing together (we didn't even open the box). Can you imagine, the DVD player, cable, Wii and XBox 360 are all plugged into the TV and we don't have to reach behind to plug and unplug things. Amazing!
M also took Mom to Woodbury Commons today where she bought 2 bags. M got 7 sweaters - 6 of which are argyle. And I temporarily lifted the shopping embargo to get 3 dresses from Barney's. I was doing was doing so well - I didn't buy a thing from JCrew. But, I got to Barney's and they were taking an additional 25% off sale items and the dresses were made out of 100% silk and 100% wool respectively. You can't get those gorgeous fabrics for that cheap anywhere. When we got home, Mom ran upstairs and brought down a Swiss Army knife for M. "Merry Christmas, M," she said (Mom hasn't gotten her children a Christmas present since the early 1990's).
Mom also said that I was good at cleaning and that I should clean M's toilets.
Another nice thing was that M's mom asked if I would be coming to Orlando for Christmas. Very sweet.
Those pictures are awesome. I'm surprised that thing fit on the cart!