We took M to the best Korean tofu stew and short rib place in the area. While the food is pretty good and cheap, I never go because parking is a mess and we always have to wait. See photo of mom and M waiting for our table. I realized that one reason the place is hopping is because nearly everyone there was Chinese. Watch out, when the Chinese find a good place to eat, EVERYONE goes. Another reason why my reviews stay on my blog.
Then, miracle upon miracles, mom agreed to go out to dinner with us. She agreed to go into the city. She got DRESSED UP! This in addition to her making M fried rice to eat at 11:30 PM, are testaments to how much she likes M over her very own children, her blood. It's very sweet.
We had a small dinner at Kampuchea - one of two Cambodian restaurants in the NYC metro area. We tried to get mom wasted on a lychee martini extra sweet but should've kept them coming - the woman ain't no cheap date! Doris LOVED the crispy pork belly (see photo). I can't speak of it because Doris is mad that she didn't get more.
M loves cookies so H and Z gave her a huge tupperware of homemade cakey chocolate chip and walnut cookies. A perfect gift. And we all gathered around to give my godchild a good rub.
Wow your mom is cool! Btw, my rents still wonder why I know so many people who are "that way" aka GAY. hahahah!