M and I went to Cabela's. I have never seen so many people dressed in hunting camouflage. But, more on that later.
It is Fall hunting season - dating-wise. There has been a rash of break-ups over the past month. Couples who have been together for over 5 years and new couples that appeared to be so cute together. For the most part, the ones that I have spoken to have said it has been for the better and I do believe in creative destruction. It may suck and hurt but in the end, you are now free to find someone who loves you in the way you want to be loved and who loves the loving that you give.
I do believe that there are 2 major dating seasons. At around September, you've had your summer fun and it's time to get a little serious. It's getting colder so less time out and about and more time indoors and actually having to talk and interact. You may find that you like drinking out at the beer garden with this person but you can't spend Sunday morning with them when you are trying to read the paper. Then, there's the holidays. Some people may be thinking, omg, I have to go to the other person's family outtings, I have to get presents for their 40 cousins, I have to go to the office party. And that may just drive a person over the edge and call it quits. And make out with a string of 22 year-olds. Which begins the official Fall dating season because then they find some cute thing to shack up with over the cold winter months.
Which brings us to Spring dating season.
So, those who shacked up over the winter and realized that they can't stand the person or those who didn't shack up and miss having someone around, are out and about once the crocuses pop up through the ice. This season heats up as the temperature rises and then you're back to Fall. You can always hang out at the cafe car in the Amtrak. On Friday, while I was waiting in line to get a salad, the guy in front of me asks me, "You want some action?" He meant to play a round of poker but it was really funny.
In the end, know who you are, what you want and what makes you happy. Be really honest with yourself and the person you're seeing even if it is on a casual basis. I know I've made some dating mistakes and settled for far less than anyone should. But, I had a great year on my own to finish my MBA, get myself together, had some fun and at the end, M was there to make me laugh, teach me about technology and all kinds of things, help me grow closer to my friends and loved ones and show me this love that I had thought to be untenable.
7 years ago
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