So, back in September or so (even I am amazed that I was able to keep it a secret for so long), I asked Doris' best friend A who is very crafty and an artist, if she could paint a shirt for M. I bought the non-iron shirt from Brooks Brothers (M's favorite shirt) and gave A a few things I wanted on the shirt but this is all her.
I gave the shirt to M on Tuesday night and M was like, Brooks Brothers makes shirts with hearts on them? Then she saw the rest of the designs. She LOVES the shirt and is as impressed with the work as I am. We love that the M in anomolli is red, the ah on the inside of the cuff, the thoughtful placement of the heart and dagger, and the gorgeous detailed red-dipped wings in the back. I love how the wings curl so beautifully at the bottom. A did an amazing job.
Yay!!! I am so so happy she loves it! I had a great time working on it, and will probably make a post about it myself!! :) :)