I've been to many weddings but last night, something about the vows stuck out to me. ""_____, wilt thou have ____ to be thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?"
Forsaking all others. Abandoning all others. Your family who've raised and cared for you? Your friends who've been there through every tear and every celebration? Your loved ones who've mentored you? Your dog who keeps you up at night? It sounds so final. I mean, I understand that you are each other's numero uno now but I guess that's what that means.
And is that necessarily something to promise? Sometimes, it's just what happens. Married people move in together or move someplace else together, they are sometimes a little harder to drag out to things, they like to nest. They want to be with each other.
But, perhaps, it is part of the vow because people just want to hear that their partner will choo-choo-choose them first. Like in this episode of "I Love New York", the guy said that he would feed his grandmother and mother before he fed New York. He got kicked off the show for that. Which was okay because he ended up being in a bromance with Six Pack.
7 years ago
I can't believe you ended that post by citing I Love New York. Amy, you have a problem. :)