My surgery is on Monday. It's supposed to take about a half hour with a half hour before to put me to sleep and then an hour in the recovery room. M will then whisk us back to DC. I have a confession to make. But, let me back up for a minute.
H asked me how I felt about the surgery and to be honest, I think that I have a slight case of Münchausen syndrome. I really like being in the hospital. I had a cyst removed from my neck when I was 5 or 6 and I loved being there. I had a TV, a craftmatic bed, and all the popsicles and dixie cup ice cream I could eat (they were trying to soothe my throat). The nurses were so nice and people brought presents when they visited me. Folks at the hospital were equally attentive when I had to get stitches on my wrist, finger and foot (separate incidents). I like seeing the doctor, I like going to specialists (except for the mammogram - that sucked). I had a swell time at Memorial Sloan-Kettering.
So, now that I know I'm not going to die and M will be there to take care of me. I'm feeling pretty good about my surgery on Monday (except that the anesthesia might make me nauseous and that is going to go so well in the car). Can't wait to get a nice ice pop!
Mom says she liked the hospital as well. When she was there after giving birth to Dr. Do and Philly, she said it was so great and relaxing to not do anything, watch tv and not deal with children.
7 years ago
I know you will be fine, but OMG!!