Wednesday, January 14, 2009

System: (Wo)manscaping

My friend S' blog post made me finally put this post up. I want to take a moment to talk about (wo)manscaping. People grow hair. Some people grow less hair than others but everyone has to eventually shave, pluck, wax, trim, cut, Nair, etc.

Well, let me introduce you to the Braun Silk Epil. This isn't the coil Epilady of yesteryear. I am told that people still suffer from ptsd from it. I first spied the Braun Silk Epil at my friend D's apartment and after asking her, just tried it out on my arm. I was hooked. It wasn't painful, did a great job, had a light so you could see what you were doing and weeks later, my arms were still as smooth as a baby's bottom (it also exfoliates while ripping your hair out). The second mine came in the mail, mom and I tackled Doris and she bleated like a sheep about to be shorn.

You have 2 attachments, the epilator and shaver. The epilator has 2 covers - massaging and lifting. I use the lifting for places like arms and the massaging for underarms. It has 2 speeds - low for underarms, high for everywhere else. The trimmer attachment to the shaver is awesome for, well, you'll figure it out. All in all, THE ultimate solution - wish it would shape my eye brows...

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