Sunday, September 21, 2008

Saturday with the Fam

I have been looking forward to this day for the longest time. I would get delirious in anticipation. Finally, the day came and by god, it was a gorgeous day. It was Woodbury Commons day with Mom (who had gone without me recently - the nerve!).

The other great thing about a casual weekend is my sweatsuit and no make-up! I paired my svets (Doris and I've been saying it this way ever since Nacho Libre) with a flourescent pink down vest, my little Prada messenger bag and a half-ponytail. Now, not only are the svets comfy, they are easy to take on and off, along with my slip-on Pumas. Please note, my shopping friends, that when you are on a serious shopping trip, wear good underwear and a bra so you can see how clothes will really look.
We went NUTS. We got the VIP Coupon Book. Stores were slashing the outlet prices by 40%. I made out like a bandit at J. Crew because I got another 15% from my student ID. Aw, yeah! I got some really great things at Barneys, a ton of stuff for M and drooled at Burberry. There's something about the preppy British meets punk. I loved every single one of their coats. See, the British have bad weather. They know about coats.

Mom bought 10 plates. Note, do not buy heavy things. Or, if you do, bring a wheelie luggage. Oh, and I got sick from eating lunch there. Augh. It was Japanese food - there couldn't have been any dairy....why?!
We were 30 minutes late to meet my brother for dinner. Here's a picture I snapped of the sunset from the NJ Turnpike.

Mom wanted Vietnamese food and P took us to his favorite place. They know him and he introduced us to the owner. They got Pho and I stole two cups of broth from mom. It was so good. I got one of my favorites - bo luc lac, otherwise known as Vietnamese Shaking Beef. Fantastic!

We did some grocery shopping and dropped P off. We would've stayed and played Rock Band II which has (Living on a Prayer!) but I was BEAT!

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